La Libertad Robusto Natural

La Libertad Cigars are an extraordinary addition to our cigar choice with its stylish shapes and intensive flavor. Produced in the Dominican Republic, La Libertad Cigars are a mix of the most noteworthy quality leaves from different developing regions. The Habano seed wrapper and the Nicaraguan seed fastener are both cultivated in Peru, while the filler is essentially Ligero tobaccos from the Dominican Republic and Nicaragua. The given mix of La Libertad is a symbol of the fine cigars of older golden years.

La Libertad Short Perfecto Natural

La Libertad Cigars are an extraordinary addition to our cigar choice with its stylish shapes and intensive flavor. Produced in the Dominican Republic, La Libertad Cigars are a mix of the most noteworthy quality leaves from different developing regions. The Habano seed wrapper and the Nicaraguan seed fastener are both cultivated in Peru, while the filler is essentially Ligero tobaccos from the Dominican Republic and Nicaragua. The given mix of La Libertad is a symbol of the fine cigars of older golden years.

La Libertad Tubos Plus Ashtray Natural Robusto

La Libertad Cigars are an extraordinary addition to our cigar choice with its stylish shapes and intensive flavor. Produced in the Dominican Republic, La Libertad Cigars are a mix of the most noteworthy quality leaves from different developing regions. The Habano seed wrapper and the Nicaraguan seed fastener are both cultivated in Peru, while the filler is essentially Ligero tobaccos from the Dominican Republic and Nicaragua. The given mix of La Libertad is a symbol of the fine cigars of older golden years.